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Searching by subject heading:You searched for: RACIALIZATION in SUBJECT
Total 20 results of reference type: All found
Showing results from 1 to 20
#1 [more] | Abu-Laban, Yasmeen. From Deportation to Apology: The Case of Maher Arar and the Canadian State. |
#2 [more] | Abu-Laban, Yasmeen. Regionalism, Migration, And Fortress (North) America. |
#3 [more] | Abu-Laban, Yasmeen. The New North America and the Segmentation of Canadian Citizenship. |
#4 [more] | Abu-Laban, Yasmeen. Challenging the Gendered Vertical Mosaic: Immigrants, Ethnic Minorities, Gender and Political Participation. |
#5 [more] | Abu-Laban, Yasmeen, Daiva Stasiulis. Constructing 'Ethnic Canadians': The Implications For Public Policy and Inclusive Citizenship: Rejoinder to Rhoda Howard-Hassmann. |
#6 [more] | Adelman, Howard. Canadian Borders and Immigration Post 9/11. |
#7 [more] | Anderson, J. M. Gender, Race, Poverty, Health and Discourse of Health Reform in the Context of Globalization: A Post-Colonial Feminist Perspective in Policy Research. |
#8 [more] | Arat-Koc, Sedef. The Disciplinary Boundaries of Canadian Identity After 9/11: Civilizational Identity, Multiculturalism and the Challenge of Anti-Imperialist Feminism. |
#9 [more] | Crow, Barbara, Graham Longford. From the Electronic Cottage to the Silicon Sweatshop: Social Implications of Telemediated Work in Canada. |
#10 [more] | Fudge, Judy, Leah F. Vosko. Gendered Paradoxes and the Rise of Contingent Work: Towards a Transformative Feminist Political Economy of the Labour Market. |
#11 [more] | Galabuzi, Grace-Edward. Racializing the Division of Labour: Neo-Liberal Restructuring and the Economic Segregation of Canada's Racialized Groups. |
#12 [more] | Galabuzi, Grace-Edward. Canada's Creeping Economic Apartheid: The Economic Segregation and Social Marginalisation of Racialised Groups. |
#13 [more] | Jackson, Andrew. Work and Labour in Canada: Critical Issues. |
#14 [more] | Kofman, Eleonore. Gendered Global Migrations: Diversity and Stratification. |
#15 [more] | Sugiman, Pamela. Privilege and Oppression: The Configuration of Race, Gender, And Class in Southern Ontario Auto Plants, 1939-1949. |
#16 [more] | Thobani, Sunera. Closing the Nations' Doors to Immigrant Women: The Restructuring of Canadian Immigration Policy. |
#17 [more] | Virdee, Satnam. Organized Labour and the Black Worker in England: A Critical Analysis of Postwar Trends. |
#18 [more] | Vosko, Leah F. Gender Differentiation and the Standard/non-Standard Employment Distinction: A Genealogy of Policy Interventions in Canada. |
#19 [more] | Vosko, Leah F. The Pasts (and Futures) of Feminist Political Economy in Canada: Reviving the Debate. |
#20 [more] | Zavella, Patricia. Reflections on Diversity Among Chicanas. |