Search Results
Searching by subject heading:You searched for: REGULATORY CONTEXT in SUBJECT
Total 10 results of reference type: All found
Showing results from 1 to 20
#1 [more] | Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong, Albert Banerjee, Tamara Daly, Stirling Lafrance, Marta Szebehely. "Out of Control": Violence Against Personal Support Workers in Long-Term Care. |
#2 [more] | Betcherman, Gordon. Employment Standards Laws: A National Survey. |
#3 [more] | Betcherman, Gordon. Are Unskilled Workers Treated Differently For Notice Purposes? |
#4 [more] | Eaton, Susan C. Women and Labor-Management Relations: Lessons From Canada. |
#5 [more] | Gladstone, Alan. Labour Flexibility and the Attitudes of the Parties. |
#6 [more] | Khandor, Erika, Jean McDonald, Peter Nyers, Cynthia Wright. The Regularization of Non-Status Immigrants in Canada. |
#7 [more] | Orrenius, Pia M., Madeline Zavodny. Do Amnesty Programs Reduce Undocumented Immigration? Evidence From IRCA. |
#8 [more] | Servais, Jean-Michel. The Informal Sector: Any Future For Labour Law? |
#9 [more] | author unknown Employment Protection and Labour Force Adjustment in the Member States. |
#10 [more] | author unknown Minimum Wage Fixing in Britain and the Prospects of a Statutory Minimum Wage. |