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Akyeampong, Ernest.
The Changing Face of Temporary Help.
Alexander, Susan.
Fruit For Thought: On Comparing Apples and Oranges.
Amadieu, Jean Francois.
Employment Flexibility, Unions and Companies in France.
Appelbaum, Eileen, Lonnie Golen.
What is Driving the 1982 - 1988 Boom in Temporary Employment?
Armstrong-Stassen, Marjorie.
Alternative Work Arrangements: Meeting the Challenges.
Aubry, Benoit.
Travail Atypique Cherche Normes Equitables.
Axelrod, Jonathan G.
Who's the Boss?: Employee Leasing and the Joint Employer Relationship.
Bamford, Claire, Angela Dale.
Temporary Workers: Cause For Concern or Complacency?
Bartkowiak, Julia J.
Trends Towards Part-Time Employment: Ethical Issues.
Baru, Sundari.
Working on the Margins: California's Growing Temporary Workforce.
Berkowitz, Laurel, Robert Latham, Valerie Preston, Deepa Rajkumar, Leah F. Vosko.
At the Temporary-Permanent Divide: How Canada Produces Temporariness and Makes Citizens Through Its Security, Work, And Settlement Policies.
Bohle, Philip, Claire Mayhew, Michael Quinlan.
Contingent Work: Health and Safety Perspectives or the Global Expansion of Precarious Employment, Work Disorganisation and Occupational Health: A Review of Recent Research.
Booth, Patricia L.
Contingent Work: Trends, Issues and Challenges For Employers.
Bray, Mark, Vic Taylor.
The Other Side of Flexibility: Unions and Marginal Workers in Australia.
Broad, Dave.
Hollow Work, Hollow Society?: Globalization and the Casual Labour Problem in Canada.
Bronstein, A. S.
Temporary Work in Western Europe: Threat or Complement to Permanent Employment?
Brooks, Adrian.
Marginal Workers and the Law.
Buechtemann, Christoph F.
More Jobs Through Less Labour Protection?: Evidence From West Germany.
Buechtemann, Christoph F., Sigrid Quack.
How Precarious is 'Non-Standard' Employment?: Evidence For West Germany.
Campbell, Iain, Martha MacDonald, Leah F. Vosko.
Gender and the Contours of Precarious Employment.

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