definitions of thesaurus terminology
definitions of terms used in thesaurus entries
- SCOPE NOTE: explains HOW the term has been used to index items in the library database; defines the term
- USE: denotes a preferred term or phrase
- USED FOR: indicates terms or phrases that are NOT used to index items in the library database; these terms or phrases are considered synonymous with the indicated preferred term (only use "preferred terms" when searching the library database)
- BROADER TERM: broader or more general terms or phrases
- NARROWER TERM: narrower or more specific terms or phrases; a subset of the indicated broader term
- RELATED TERM: a term or phrase that is conceptually or associatively linked with the indicated preferred term
Thesaurus search results for 'ETHNOCENTRISM': 1 results found.
Scope Note: The tendency to view and/or judge other groups and cultures in terms of, or according to the standards of, one's own culture. Often includes the tendency to assume the inherent superiority of one's own group or culture.