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Showing results from 61 to 80


DeGraaf, Paul, John Hendrickx, Tomas Korpi, Richard Layte.
Vocational Training and Career Employment Precariousness in Great Britain, The Netherlands and Sweden.
Deakin, Simon, Frank Wilkinson.
Labour Law, Social Security and Economic Inequality.
Dekker, Ronald.
Non-Standard Employment and Mobility in the Dutch, German and British Labour Market.
Dekker, Ronald, Lutz C. Kaizer.
Atypical or Flexible? How to Define Non-Standard Employment Patterns - the Cases of Germany, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
Dickens, Linda.
Whose Flexibility?: Discrimination and Equality Issues in Atypical Work.
Doogan, K.
Insecurity and Long-Term Employment.
Dribbusch, Heiner, Dave Lyddon, Sjaak van der Velden, Kurt Vandaele.
Strikes Around the World: Case-Studies of 15 Countries.
Druker, Jan, C. Stanworth.
Human Resource Solutions? Dimensions of Employers' Use of Temporary Agency Labour in the UK.
Edwards, P., T. Jones, M. Ram.
Staying Underground - Informal Work, Small Firms, And Employment Regulation in the United Kingdom.
Elger, Tony.
Review Article: Flexible Future?: New Technology and the Contemporary Transformation of Work.
Ermisch, John F., Robert E. Wright.
Wage Offers and Full-Time and Part-Time Employment by British Women.
Fagan, Colette.
The Temporal Reorganization of Employment and the Household Rhythm of Work Schedules: the Implications For Gender and Class Relations.
Felstead, A., N. Jewson, A. Phizacklea, S. Walters.
Working at Home: Statistical Evidence For Seven Key Hypotheses.
Ferrie, J. E., M. Marmot, M. J. Shipley, G. D. Smith, S. A. Stansfeld.
Future Uncertainty and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health: The Whitehall II Study.
Fevre, Ralph.
Subcontracting in Steel.
Forde, C., G. Slater.
Agency Working in Britain: Character, Consequences and Regulation.
Forde, C., G. Slater.
"Just a Temporary Phenomenon? The Rise and Fall of Temporary Work in the UK".
Forde, Chris, Gary Slater.
The Nature and Experience of Agency Working in Britain.
Forsythe, Bill, Joseph Melling.
The Politics of Madness: The State, Insanity and Society in England, 1845-1914.
Francesconi, Marco, Carlos Garcia-Serrano.
Unions and Flexible Employment in Britain and Spain: A Descriptive Note.

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