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Acker, Joan.
Class, Gender, And the Relations of Distribution.
Acker, Joan.
Gender, Class and Relations of Distribution.
Alkadry, Mohamad G., Leslie E. Tower.
Unequal Pay: The Role of Gender.
Barkin, Solomon.
The Flexibility Debate in Western Europe: Managements' Rights Over Personnel and Wages.
Barrett, Gary F., Denise J. Doiron.
Working Part-Time: By Choice or by Constraint.
Batt, R., D. Holman, U. Holtgrewe.
The Global Call Centre Report: International Perspectives on Management and Employment.
Baumol, William J., Lars Osberg, Edward N. Wolff.
The Information Economy: The Implications of Unbalanced Growth.
Bourgeault, Ivy Lynn, Patricia Khokher.
Making a Better Living From Caregiving: Comparing Strategies to Improve Wages For Care Providers.
Brown, Charles, James Hamilton, James L. Medoff.
Employers Large and Small.
Card, David E., Alan B. Krueger.
Myth and Measurement: The New Economics of the Minimum Wage.
Carre, Francoise.
Women Workers in Temporary and Contingent Employment: Problems, Policies and Possible Models For Representation.
Christopherson, Susan.
Women in the Restructuring of Care-Work: Cross National Variations and Trends in Ten OECD Countries.
Cohen, Yinon, Yitchak Haberfeld.
Temporary Help Service Workers: Employment Characteristics and Wage Determination.
Connelly, M. Patricia, Martha MacDonald.
Women and the Labour Force.
Conway, Elizabeth A., Sar A. Levitan.
Part-Timers: Living on Half Rations.
Corrigall, Elizabeth A., Alison M. Konrad.
The Relationship of Job Attribute Preferences to Employment, Hours of Paid Work, And Family Responsibilities: An Analysis Comparing Women and Men.
Cosgrove, James, Mark Montgomery.
Are Part-Time Women Paid Less?: A Model With Firm-Specific Effects.
Cosgrove, James, Mark Montgomery.
The Effect of Employee Benefits on the Demand For Part-Time Workers.
Crain, Marion.
Feminizing Unions: Challenging the Gendered Structure of Wage Labor.
Drolet, Marie.
The 'Who, What, When and Where' of Gender Pay Differentials.

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